Implementation: StandardDropboxCredentialService
Controller Service used to obtain Dropbox credentials (App Key, App Secret, Access Token, Refresh Token). See controller service's Additional Details for more information. | Folder | folder | / | | The Dropbox identifier or path of the folder from which to pull list of files. 'Folder' should match the following regular expression pattern: /.*|id:.* . Example for folder identifier: id:odTlUvbpIEAAAAAAAAAGGQ. Example for folder path: /Team1/Task1. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Search Recursively | recursive-search | true | | Indicates whether to list files from subfolders of the Dropbox folder. |
Minimum File Age | min-age | 0 sec | | The minimum age a file must be in order to be considered; any files newer than this will be ignored. |
Listing Strategy | listing-strategy | Tracking Timestamps | - Tracking Timestamps
 - Tracking Entities
 - Time Window
 - No Tracking

| Specify how to determine new/updated entities. See each strategy descriptions for detail. |
Entity Tracking State Cache | et-state-cache | | Controller Service API: DistributedMapCacheClient Implementations: CassandraDistributedMapCache SimpleRedisDistributedMapCacheClientService CouchbaseMapCacheClient HBase_2_ClientMapCacheService DistributedMapCacheClientService RedisDistributedMapCacheClientService HazelcastMapCacheClient | Listed entities are stored in the specified cache storage so that this processor can resume listing across NiFi restart or in case of primary node change. 'Tracking Entities' strategy require tracking information of all listed entities within the last 'Tracking Time Window'. To support large number of entities, the strategy uses DistributedMapCache instead of managed state. Cache key format is 'ListedEntities::{processorId}(::{nodeId})'. If it tracks per node listed entities, then the optional '::{nodeId}' part is added to manage state separately. E.g. cluster wide cache key = 'ListedEntities::8dda2321-0164-1000-50fa-3042fe7d6a7b', per node cache key = 'ListedEntities::8dda2321-0164-1000-50fa-3042fe7d6a7b::nifi-node3' The stored cache content is Gzipped JSON string. The cache key will be deleted when target listing configuration is changed. Used by 'Tracking Entities' strategy.
This Property is only considered if the [Listing Strategy] Property has a value of "Tracking Entities". |
Entity Tracking Time Window | et-time-window | 3 hours | | Specify how long this processor should track already-listed entities. 'Tracking Entities' strategy can pick any entity whose timestamp is inside the specified time window. For example, if set to '30 minutes', any entity having timestamp in recent 30 minutes will be the listing target when this processor runs. A listed entity is considered 'new/updated' and a FlowFile is emitted if one of following condition meets: 1. does not exist in the already-listed entities, 2. has newer timestamp than the cached entity, 3. has different size than the cached entity. If a cached entity's timestamp becomes older than specified time window, that entity will be removed from the cached already-listed entities. Used by 'Tracking Entities' strategy. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)
This Property is only considered if the [Listing Strategy] Property has a value of "Tracking Entities". |
Entity Tracking Initial Listing Target | et-initial-listing-target | All Available | - Tracking Time Window
 - All Available

| Specify how initial listing should be handled. Used by 'Tracking Entities' strategy.
This Property is only considered if the [Listing Strategy] Property has a value of "Tracking Entities". |
Record Writer | record-writer | | Controller Service API: RecordSetWriterFactory Implementations: JsonRecordSetWriter RecordSetWriterLookup AvroRecordSetWriter XMLRecordSetWriter FreeFormTextRecordSetWriter CSVRecordSetWriter ParquetRecordSetWriter ScriptedRecordSetWriter | Specifies the Record Writer to use for creating the listing. If not specified, one FlowFile will be created for each entity that is listed. If the Record Writer is specified, all entities will be written to a single FlowFile instead of adding attributes to individual FlowFiles. |
Proxy Configuration Service | proxy-configuration-service | | Controller Service API: ProxyConfigurationService Implementation: StandardProxyConfigurationService | Specifies the Proxy Configuration Controller Service to proxy network requests. Supported proxies: HTTP + AuthN |
Name | Description |
success | All FlowFiles that are received are routed to success |
Reads Attributes:
None specified.Writes Attributes:
Name | Description |
dropbox.id | The Dropbox identifier of the file |
path | The folder path where the file is located |
filename | The name of the file |
dropbox.size | The size of the file |
dropbox.timestamp | The server modified time of the file |
dropbox.revision | Revision of the file |
State management:
Scope | Description |
CLUSTER | The processor stores necessary data to be able to keep track what files have been listed already. What exactly needs to be stored depends on the 'Listing Strategy'. |
This component is not restricted.Input requirement:
This component does not allow an incoming relationship.System Resource Considerations:
None specified.See Also:
FetchDropbox, PutDropbox