Implementation: HBase_2_ClientService
Specifies the HBase Client Controller Service to use for accessing HBase. | Table Name | hb-lu-table-name | | | The name of the table where look ups will be run. |
Authorizations | hb-lu-authorizations | | | The list of authorization tokens to be used with cell visibility if it is enabled. These will be used to override the default authorization list for the user accessing HBase. |
Columns | hb-lu-return-cols | | | A comma-separated list of \"<colFamily>:<colQualifier>\" pairs to return when scanning. To return all columns for a given family, leave off the qualifier such as \"<colFamily1>,<colFamily2>\". |
Character Set | hb-lu-charset | UTF-8 | | Specifies the character set used to decode bytes retrieved from HBase. |
State management:
This component does not store state.Restricted:
This component is not restricted.System Resource Considerations:
None specified.