Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using flow file attributes and variable registry)Port | Port | 21 | | The port to connect to on the remote host to fetch the data from Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using flow file attributes and variable registry) |
Username | Username | | | Username Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using flow file attributes and variable registry) |
Password | Password | | | Password for the user account Sensitive Property: true Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using flow file attributes and variable registry) |
Remote File | Remote File | | | The fully qualified filename on the remote system Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using flow file attributes and variable registry) |
Completion Strategy | Completion Strategy | None | - None
 - Move File
 - Delete File

| Specifies what to do with the original file on the server once it has been pulled into NiFi. If the Completion Strategy fails, a warning will be logged but the data will still be transferred. |
Move Destination Directory | Move Destination Directory | | | The directory on the remote server to move the original file to once it has been ingested into NiFi. This property is ignored unless the Completion Strategy is set to 'Move File'. The specified directory must already exist on the remote system if 'Create Directory' is disabled, or the rename will fail. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using flow file attributes and variable registry) |
Create Directory | Create Directory | false | | Used when 'Completion Strategy' is 'Move File'. Specifies whether or not the remote directory should be created if it does not exist. |
Connection Timeout | Connection Timeout | 30 sec | | Amount of time to wait before timing out while creating a connection |
Data Timeout | Data Timeout | 30 sec | | When transferring a file between the local and remote system, this value specifies how long is allowed to elapse without any data being transferred between systems |
Use Compression | Use Compression | false | | Indicates whether or not ZLIB compression should be used when transferring files |
Connection Mode | Connection Mode | Passive | | The FTP Connection Mode |
Transfer Mode | Transfer Mode | Binary | | The FTP Transfer Mode |
Proxy Configuration Service | proxy-configuration-service | | Controller Service API: ProxyConfigurationService Implementation: StandardProxyConfigurationService | Specifies the Proxy Configuration Controller Service to proxy network requests. If set, it supersedes proxy settings configured per component. Supported proxies: HTTP + AuthN, SOCKS + AuthN |
Proxy Type | Proxy Type | DIRECT | | Proxy type used for file transfers |
Proxy Host | Proxy Host | | | The fully qualified hostname or IP address of the proxy server Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Proxy Port | Proxy Port | | | The port of the proxy server Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Http Proxy Username | Http Proxy Username | | | Http Proxy Username Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Http Proxy Password | Http Proxy Password | | | Http Proxy Password Sensitive Property: true Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Internal Buffer Size | Internal Buffer Size | 16KB | | Set the internal buffer size for buffered data streams |
Log level when file not found | fetchfiletransfer-notfound-loglevel | ERROR | - TRACE
| Log level to use in case the file does not exist when the processor is triggered |
Use UTF-8 Encoding | ftp-use-utf8 | false | | Tells the client to use UTF-8 encoding when processing files and filenames. If set to true, the server must also support UTF-8 encoding. |
Name | Description |
success | All FlowFiles that are received are routed to success |
comms.failure | Any FlowFile that could not be fetched from the remote server due to a communications failure will be transferred to this Relationship. |
not.found | Any FlowFile for which we receive a 'Not Found' message from the remote server will be transferred to this Relationship. |
permission.denied | Any FlowFile that could not be fetched from the remote server due to insufficient permissions will be transferred to this Relationship. |
Reads Attributes:
None specified.Writes Attributes:
Name | Description |
---| | The hostname or IP address from which the file was pulled |
ftp.remote.port | The port that was used to communicate with the remote FTP server |
ftp.remote.filename | The name of the remote file that was pulled |
filename | The filename is updated to point to the filename fo the remote file |
path | If the Remote File contains a directory name, that directory name will be added to the FlowFile using the 'path' attribute |
fetch.failure.reason | The name of the failure relationship applied when routing to any failure relationship |
State management:
This component does not store state.Restricted:
This component is not restricted.Input requirement:
This component requires an incoming relationship.System Resource Considerations:
None specified.See Also: