Implementations: HikariCPConnectionPool
The Controller Service that is used to obtain a connection to the database. | Database Type | db-fetch-db-type | Generic | - Generic
 - Oracle
 - Oracle 12+
 - MS SQL 2012+
 - MS SQL 2008
 - MySQL
 - PostgreSQL
 - Phoenix

| The type/flavor of database, used for generating database-specific code. In many cases the Generic type should suffice, but some databases (such as Oracle) require custom SQL clauses. |
Table Name | Table Name | | | The name of the database table to be queried. When a custom query is used, this property is used to alias the query and appears as an attribute on the FlowFile. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Columns to Return | Columns to Return | | | A comma-separated list of column names to be used in the query. If your database requires special treatment of the names (quoting, e.g.), each name should include such treatment. If no column names are supplied, all columns in the specified table will be returned. NOTE: It is important to use consistent column names for a given table for incremental fetch to work properly. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Additional WHERE clause | db-fetch-where-clause | | | A custom clause to be added in the WHERE condition when building SQL queries. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Custom Query | db-fetch-sql-query | | | A custom SQL query used to retrieve data. Instead of building a SQL query from other properties, this query will be wrapped as a sub-query. Query must have no ORDER BY statement. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Record Writer | qdbtr-record-writer | | Controller Service API: RecordSetWriterFactory Implementations: JsonRecordSetWriter RecordSetWriterLookup AvroRecordSetWriter XMLRecordSetWriter FreeFormTextRecordSetWriter CSVRecordSetWriter ParquetRecordSetWriter ScriptedRecordSetWriter | Specifies the Controller Service to use for writing results to a FlowFile. The Record Writer may use Inherit Schema to emulate the inferred schema behavior, i.e. an explicit schema need not be defined in the writer, and will be supplied by the same logic used to infer the schema from the column types. |
Maximum-value Columns | Maximum-value Columns | | | A comma-separated list of column names. The processor will keep track of the maximum value for each column that has been returned since the processor started running. Using multiple columns implies an order to the column list, and each column's values are expected to increase more slowly than the previous columns' values. Thus, using multiple columns implies a hierarchical structure of columns, which is usually used for partitioning tables. This processor can be used to retrieve only those rows that have been added/updated since the last retrieval. Note that some JDBC types such as bit/boolean are not conducive to maintaining maximum value, so columns of these types should not be listed in this property, and will result in error(s) during processing. If no columns are provided, all rows from the table will be considered, which could have a performance impact. NOTE: It is important to use consistent max-value column names for a given table for incremental fetch to work properly. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Initial Load Strategy | initial-load-strategy | Start at Beginning | - Start at Beginning
 - Start at Current Maximum Values

| How to handle existing rows in the database table when the processor is started for the first time (or its state has been cleared). The property will be ignored, if any 'initial.maxvalue.*' dynamic property has also been configured. |
Max Wait Time | Max Wait Time | 0 seconds | | The maximum amount of time allowed for a running SQL select query , zero means there is no limit. Max time less than 1 second will be equal to zero. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Fetch Size | Fetch Size | 0 | | The number of result rows to be fetched from the result set at a time. This is a hint to the database driver and may not be honored and/or exact. If the value specified is zero, then the hint is ignored. If using PostgreSQL, then 'Set Auto Commit' must be equal to 'false' to cause 'Fetch Size' to take effect. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Set Auto Commit | Set Auto Commit | | | Allows enabling or disabling the auto commit functionality of the DB connection. Default value is 'No value set'. 'No value set' will leave the db connection's auto commit mode unchanged. For some JDBC drivers such as PostgreSQL driver, it is required to disable the auto commit functionality to get the 'Fetch Size' setting to take effect. When auto commit is enabled, PostgreSQL driver ignores 'Fetch Size' setting and loads all rows of the result set to memory at once. This could lead for a large amount of memory usage when executing queries which fetch large data sets. More Details of this behaviour in PostgreSQL driver can be found in https://jdbc.postgresql.org//documentation/head/query.html. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Max Rows Per Flow File | qdbt-max-rows | 0 | | The maximum number of result rows that will be included in a single FlowFile. This will allow you to break up very large result sets into multiple FlowFiles. If the value specified is zero, then all rows are returned in a single FlowFile. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Output Batch Size | qdbt-output-batch-size | 0 | | The number of output FlowFiles to queue before committing the process session. When set to zero, the session will be committed when all result set rows have been processed and the output FlowFiles are ready for transfer to the downstream relationship. For large result sets, this can cause a large burst of FlowFiles to be transferred at the end of processor execution. If this property is set, then when the specified number of FlowFiles are ready for transfer, then the session will be committed, thus releasing the FlowFiles to the downstream relationship. NOTE: The maxvalue.* and fragment.count attributes will not be set on FlowFiles when this property is set. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Maximum Number of Fragments | qdbt-max-frags | 0 | | The maximum number of fragments. If the value specified is zero, then all fragments are returned. This prevents OutOfMemoryError when this processor ingests huge table. NOTE: Setting this property can result in data loss, as the incoming results are not ordered, and fragments may end at arbitrary boundaries where rows are not included in the result set. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Normalize Table/Column Names | qdbtr-normalize | false | | Whether to change characters in column names when creating the output schema. For example, colons and periods will be changed to underscores. |
Use Avro Logical Types | dbf-user-logical-types | false | | Whether to use Avro Logical Types for DECIMAL/NUMBER, DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP columns. If disabled, written as string. If enabled, Logical types are used and written as its underlying type, specifically, DECIMAL/NUMBER as logical 'decimal': written as bytes with additional precision and scale meta data, DATE as logical 'date-millis': written as int denoting days since Unix epoch (1970-01-01), TIME as logical 'time-millis': written as int denoting milliseconds since Unix epoch, and TIMESTAMP as logical 'timestamp-millis': written as long denoting milliseconds since Unix epoch. If a reader of written Avro records also knows these logical types, then these values can be deserialized with more context depending on reader implementation. |
Default Decimal Precision | dbf-default-precision | 10 | | When a DECIMAL/NUMBER value is written as a 'decimal' Avro logical type, a specific 'precision' denoting number of available digits is required. Generally, precision is defined by column data type definition or database engines default. However undefined precision (0) can be returned from some database engines. 'Default Decimal Precision' is used when writing those undefined precision numbers. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Default Decimal Scale | dbf-default-scale | 0 | | When a DECIMAL/NUMBER value is written as a 'decimal' Avro logical type, a specific 'scale' denoting number of available decimal digits is required. Generally, scale is defined by column data type definition or database engines default. However when undefined precision (0) is returned, scale can also be uncertain with some database engines. 'Default Decimal Scale' is used when writing those undefined numbers. If a value has more decimals than specified scale, then the value will be rounded-up, e.g. 1.53 becomes 2 with scale 0, and 1.5 with scale 1. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Dynamic Properties:
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties: No
Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.
Name | Value | Description |
initial.maxvalue.<max_value_column> | Initial maximum value for the specified column | Specifies an initial max value for max value column(s). Properties should be added in the format `initial.maxvalue.<max_value_column>`. This value is only used the first time the table is accessed (when a Maximum Value Column is specified). Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Name | Description |
success | Successfully created FlowFile from SQL query result set. |
Reads Attributes:
None specified.Writes Attributes:
Name | Description |
tablename | Name of the table being queried |
querydbtable.row.count | The number of rows selected by the query |
fragment.identifier | If 'Max Rows Per Flow File' is set then all FlowFiles from the same query result set will have the same value for the fragment.identifier attribute. This can then be used to correlate the results. |
fragment.count | If 'Max Rows Per Flow File' is set then this is the total number of FlowFiles produced by a single ResultSet. This can be used in conjunction with the fragment.identifier attribute in order to know how many FlowFiles belonged to the same incoming ResultSet. If Output Batch Size is set, then this attribute will not be populated. |
fragment.index | If 'Max Rows Per Flow File' is set then the position of this FlowFile in the list of outgoing FlowFiles that were all derived from the same result set FlowFile. This can be used in conjunction with the fragment.identifier attribute to know which FlowFiles originated from the same query result set and in what order FlowFiles were produced |
maxvalue.* | Each attribute contains the observed maximum value of a specified 'Maximum-value Column'. The suffix of the attribute is the name of the column. If Output Batch Size is set, then this attribute will not be populated. |
mime.type | Sets the mime.type attribute to the MIME Type specified by the Record Writer. |
record.count | The number of records output by the Record Writer. |
State management:
Scope | Description |
CLUSTER | After performing a query on the specified table, the maximum values for the specified column(s) will be retained for use in future executions of the query. This allows the Processor to fetch only those records that have max values greater than the retained values. This can be used for incremental fetching, fetching of newly added rows, etc. To clear the maximum values, clear the state of the processor per the State Management documentation |
This component is not restricted.Input requirement:
This component does not allow an incoming relationship.System Resource Considerations:
None specified.See Also:
GenerateTableFetch, ExecuteSQL