

This processor creates FlowFiles with random data or custom content. GenerateFlowFile is useful for load testing, configuration, and simulation. Also see DuplicateFlowFile for additional load testing.


test, random, generate, load


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, and whether a property supports the NiFi Expression Language.

Display NameAPI NameDefault ValueAllowable ValuesDescription
File SizeFile Size0BThe size of the file that will be used
Batch SizeBatch Size1The number of FlowFiles to be transferred in each invocation
Data FormatData FormatText
  • Binary
  • Text
Specifies whether the data should be Text or Binary
Unique FlowFilesUnique FlowFilesfalse
  • true
  • false
If true, each FlowFile that is generated will be unique. If false, a random value will be generated and all FlowFiles will get the same content but this offers much higher throughput
Custom Textgenerate-ff-custom-textIf Data Format is text and if Unique FlowFiles is false, then this custom text will be used as content of the generated FlowFiles and the File Size will be ignored. Finally, if Expression Language is used, evaluation will be performed only once per batch of generated FlowFiles
Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using Environment variables only)
Character Setcharacter-setUTF-8Specifies the character set to use when writing the bytes of Custom Text to a flow file.
Mime Typemime-typeSpecifies the value to set for the "mime.type" attribute.

Dynamic Properties:

Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties: No

Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.

Generated FlowFile attribute nameGenerated FlowFile attribute valueSpecifies an attribute on generated FlowFiles defined by the Dynamic Property's key and value. If Expression Language is used, evaluation will be performed only once per batch of generated FlowFiles.
Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using Environment variables only)



Reads Attributes:

None specified.

Writes Attributes:

mime.typeSets the MIME type of the output if the 'Mime Type' property is set

State management:

This component does not store state.


This component is not restricted.

Input requirement:

This component does not allow an incoming relationship.

System Resource Considerations:

None specified.