
Apache NiFi offers a very robust set of Processors that are capable of ingesting, processing, routing, transforming, and delivering data of any format. This is possible because the NiFi framework itself is data-agnostic. It doesn’t care whether your data is a 100-byte JSON message or a 100-gigabyte video. This is an incredibly powerful feature. However, there are many patterns that have quickly developed to handle data of differing types.

One class of data that is often processed by NiFi is record-oriented data. When we say record-oriented data, we are often (but not always) talking about structured data such as JSON, CSV, and Avro. There are many other types of data that can also be represented as "records" or "messages," though. As a result, a set of Controller Services have been developed for parsing these different data formats and representing the data in a consistent way by using the RecordReader API. This allows data that has been written in any data format to be treated the same, so long as there is a RecordReader that is capable of producing a Record object that represents the data.

When we talk about a Record, this is an abstraction that allows us to treat data in the same way, regardless of the format that it is in. A Record is made up of one or more Fields. Each Field has a name and a Type associated with it. The Fields of a Record are described using a Record Schema. The Schema indicates which fields make up a specific type of Record. The Type of a Field will be one of the following:

  • String

  • Boolean

  • Byte

  • Character

  • Short

  • Integer

  • Long

  • BigInt

  • Float

  • Double

  • Date - Represents a Date without a Time component

  • Time - Represents a Time of Day without a Date component

  • Timestamp - Represents a Date and Time

  • Embedded Record - Hierarchical data, such as JSON, can be represented by allowing a field to be of Type Record itself.

  • Choice - A field may be any one of several types.

  • Array - All elements of an array have the same type.

  • Map - All Map Keys are of type String. The Values are of the same type.

Once a stream of data has been converted into Records, the RecordWriter API allows us to then serialize those Records back into streams of bytes so that they can be passed onto other systems.

Of course, there’s not much point in reading and writing this data if we aren’t going to do something with the data in between. There are several processors that have already been developed for NiFi that provide some very powerful capabilities for routing, querying, and transforming Record-oriented data. Often times, in order to perform the desired function, a processor will need input from the user in order to determine which fields in a Record or which values in a Record should be operated on.

Enter the NiFi RecordPath language. RecordPath is intended to be a simple, easy-to-use Domain-Specific Language (DSL) to specify which fields in a Record we care about or want to access when configuring a processor.

Structure of a RecordPath

A Record in NiFi is made up of (potentially) many fields, and each of these fields could actually be itself a Record. This means that a Record can be thought of as having a hierarchical, or nested, structure. We talk about an "inner Record" as being the child of the "outer Record." The child of an inner Record, then, is a descendant of the outer-most Record. Similarly, we can refer to an outer Record as being an ancestor of an inner Record.

Child Operator

The RecordPath language is structured in such a way that we are able to easily reference fields of the outer-most Record, or fields of a child Record, or descendant Record. To accomplish this, we separate the names of the children with a slash character (/), which we refer to as the child operator. For example, let’s assume that we have a Record that is made up of two fields: name and details. Also, assume that details is a field that is itself a Record and has two Fields: identifier and address. Further, let’s consider that address is itself a Record that contains 5 fields: number, street, city, state, and zip. An example, written here in JSON for illustrative purposes may look like this:

	"name": "John Doe",
	"details": {
		"identifier": 100,
		"address": {
			"number": "123",
			"street": "5th Avenue",
			"city": "New York",
			"state": "NY",
			"zip": "10020"

We can reference the zip field by using the RecordPath: /details/address/zip. This tells us that we want to use the details field of the "root" Record. We then want to reference the address field of the child Record and the zip field of that Record.

Descendant Operator

In addition to providing an explicit path to reach the zip field, it may sometimes be useful to reference the zip field without knowing the full path. In such a case, we can use the descendant operator (//) instead of the child operator (/). To reach the same zip field as above, we can accomplish this by simply using the path //zip.

There is a very important distinction, though, between the child operator and the descendant operator: the descendant operator may match many fields, whereas the child operator will match at most one field. To help understand this, consider the following Record:

	"name": "John Doe",
	"workAddress": {
		"number": "123",
		"street": "5th Avenue",
		"city": "New York",
		"state": "NY",
		"zip": "10020"
	"homeAddress": {
		"number": "456",
		"street": "116th Avenue",
		"city": "New York",
		"state": "NY",
		"zip": "11697"

Now, if we use the RecordPath /workAddress/zip, we will be referencing the zip field that has a value of "10020." The RecordPath /homeAddress/zip will reference the zip field that has a value of "11697." However, the RecordPath //zip will reference both of these fields.


With the above examples and explanation, we are able to easily reference a specific field within a Record. However, in real scenarios, the data is rarely as simple as in the examples above. Often times, we need to filter out or refine which fields we are referencing. Examples of when we might want to do this are when we reference an Array field and want to only reference some of the elements in the array; when we reference a Map field and want to reference one or a few specific entries in the Map; or when we want to reference a Record only if it adheres to some criteria. We can accomplish this by providing our criteria to the RecordPath within square brackets (using the [ and ] characters). We will go over each of these cases below.

Function Usage

In addition to retrieving a field from a Record, as outlined above in the Filters section, we sometimes need to refine which fields we want to select. Or we may want to return a modified version of a field. To do this, we rely on functions. The syntax for a function is <function name> <open parenthesis> <args> <close parenthesis>, where <args> represents one or more arguments separated by commas. An argument may be a string literal (such as 'hello') or a number literal (such as 48), or could be a relative or absolute RecordPath (such as ./name or /id). Additionally, we can use functions within a filter. For example, we could use a RecordPath such as /person[ isEmpty('name') ]/id to retrieve the id field of any person whose name is empty. A listing of functions that are available and their corresponding documentation can be found below in the Functions section.


When we reference an Array field, the value of the field may be an array that contains several elements, but we may want only a few of those elements. For example, we may want to reference only the first element; only the last element; or perhaps the first, second, third, and last elements. We can reference a specific element simply by using the index of the element within square brackets (the index is 0-based). So let us consider a modified version of the Record above:

	"name": "John Doe",
	"addresses": [
		"work": {
			"number": "123",
			"street": "5th Avenue",
			"city": "New York",
			"state": "NY",
			"zip": "10020"
		"home": {
			"number": "456",
			"street": "116th Avenue",
			"city": "New York",
			"state": "NY",
			"zip": "11697"

We can now reference the first element in the addresses array by using the RecordPath /addresses[0]. We can access the second element using the RecordPath /addresses[1]. There may be times, though, that we don’t know how many elements will exist in the array. So we can use negative indices to count backward from the end of the array. For example, we can access the last element as /addresses[-1] or the next-to-last element as /addresses[-2]. If we want to reference several elements, we can use a comma-separated list of elements, such as /addresses[0, 1, 2, 3]. Or, to access elements 0 through 8, we can use the range operator (..), as in /addresses[0..8]. We can also mix these, and reference all elements by using the syntax /addresses[0..-1] or even /addresses[0, 1, 4, 6..-1]. Of course, not all of the indices referenced here will match on the Record above, because the addresses array has only 2 elements. The indices that do not match will simply be skipped.


Similar to an Array field, a Map field may actually consist of several different values. RecordPath gives us the ability to select a set of values based on their keys. We do this by using a quoted String within square brackets. As an example, let’s re-visit our original Record from above:

	"name": "John Doe",
	"details": {
		"identifier": 100,
		"address": {
			"number": "123",
			"street": "5th Avenue",
			"city": "New York",
			"state": "NY",
			"zip": "10020"

Now, though, let’s consider that the Schema that is associated with the Record indicates that the address field is not a Record but rather a Map field. In this case, if we attempt to reference the zip using the RecordPath /details/address/zip the RecordPath will not match because the address field is not a Record and therefore does not have any Child Record named zip. Instead, it is a Map field with keys and values of type String. Unfortunately, when looking at JSON this may seem a bit confusing because JSON does not truly have a Type system. When we convert the JSON into a Record object in order to operate on the data, though, this distinction can be important.

In the case laid out above, we can still access the zip field using RecordPath. We must now use the a slightly different syntax, though: /details/address['zip']. This is telling the RecordPath that we want to access the details field at the highest level. We then want to access its address field. Since the address field is a Map field we can use square brackets to indicate that we want to specify a Map Key, and we can then specify the key in quotes.

Further, we can select more than one Map Key, using a comma-separated list: /details/address['city', 'state', 'zip']. We can also select all of the fields, if we want, using the Wildcard operator (*): /details/address[*]. Map fields do not contain any sort of ordering, so it is not possible to reference the keys by numeric indices.


Thus far, we have discussed two different types of filters. Each of them allows us to select one or more elements out from a field that allows for many values. Often times, though, we need to apply a filter that allows us to restrict which Record fields are selected. For example, what if we want to select the zip field but only for an address field where the state is not New York? The above examples do not give us any way to do this.

RecordPath provides the user the ability to specify a Predicate. A Predicate is simply a filter that can be applied to a field in order to determine whether or not the field should be included in the results. Like other filters, a Predicate is specified within square brackets. The syntax of the Predicate is <Relative RecordPath> <Operator> <Expression>. The Relative RecordPath works just like any other RecordPath but must start with a . (to reference the current field) or a .. (to reference the current field’s parent) instead of a slash and references fields relative to the field that the Predicate applies to. The Operator must be one of:

  • Equals (=)

  • Not Equal (!=)

  • Greater Than (>)

  • Greater Than or Equal To (>=)

  • Less Than (<)

  • Less Than or Equal To (<=)

The Expression can be a literal value such as 50 or Hello or can be another RecordPath.

To illustrate this, let’s take the following Record as an example:

	"name": "John Doe",
	"workAddress": {
		"number": "123",
		"street": "5th Avenue",
		"city": "New York",
		"state": "NY",
		"zip": "10020"
	"homeAddress": {
		"number": "456",
		"street": "Grand St",
		"city": "Jersey City",
		"state": "NJ",
		"zip": "07304"
	"details": {
		"position": "Dataflow Engineer",
		"preferredState": "NY"

Now we can use a Predicate to choose only the fields where the state is not New York. For example, we can use /*[./state != 'NY']. This will select any Record field that has a state field if the state does not have a value of "NY". Note that the details Record will not be returned because it does not have a field named state. So in this example, the RecordPath will select only the homeAddress field. Once we have selected that field, we can continue on with our RecordPath. As we stated above, we can select the zip field: /*[./state != 'NY']/zip. This RecordPath will result in selecting the zip field only from the homeAddress field.

We can also compare the value in one field with the value in another field. For example, we can select the address that is in the person’s preferred state by using the RecordPath /*[./state = /details/preferredState]. In this example, this RecordPath will retrieve the workAddress field because its state field matches the value of the preferredState field.

Additionally, we can write a RecordPath that references the "city" field of any record whose state is "NJ" by using the parent operator (..): /*/city[../state = 'NJ'].


In the Function Usage section above, we describe how and why to use a function in RecordPath. Here, we will describe the different functions that are available, what they do, and how they work. Functions can be divided into two groups: Standalone Functions, which can be the 'root' of a RecordPath, such as substringAfter( /name, ' ' ) and Filter Functions, which are to be used as a filter, such as /name[ contains('John') ]. A Standalone Function can also be used within a filter but does not return a boolean (true or false value) and therefore cannot itself be an entire filter. For example, we can use a path such as /name[ substringAfter(., ' ') = 'Doe'] but we cannot simply use /name[ substringAfter(., ' ') ] because doing so doesn’t really make sense, as filters must be boolean values.

Unless otherwise noted, all of the examples below are written to operate on the following Record:

	"name": "John Doe",
	"workAddress": {
		"number": "123",
		"street": "5th Avenue",
		"city": "New York",
		"state": "NY",
		"zip": "10020"
	"homeAddress": {
		"number": "456",
		"street": "Grand St",
		"city": "Jersey City",
		"state": "NJ",
		"zip": "07304"
	"details": {
		"position": "Dataflow Engineer",
		"preferredState": "NY",
		"employer": "",
		"vehicle": null,
		"phrase": "   "

Standalone Functions


The substring function returns a portion of a String value. The function requires 3 arguments: The value to take a portion of, the 0-based start index (inclusive), and the 0-based end index (exclusive). The start index and end index can be 0 to indicate the first character of a String, a positive integer to indicate the nth index into the string, or a negative integer. If the value is a negative integer, say -n, then this represents the n`th character for the end. A value of `-1 indicates the last character in the String. So, for example, substring( 'hello world', 0, -1 ) means to take the string hello, and return characters 0 through the last character, so the return value will be hello world.


Return value

substring( /name, 0, -1 )

John Doe

substring( /name, 0, -5 )


substring( /name, 1000, 1005 )

<empty string>

substring( /name, 0, 1005)

John Doe

substring( /name, -50, -1)

<empty string>


Returns the portion of a String value that occurs after the first occurrence of some other value.


Return value

substringAfter( /name, ' ' )


substringAfter( /name, 'o' )

hn Doe

substringAfter( /name, '' )

John Doe

substringAfter( /name, 'xyz' )

John Doe


Returns the portion of a String value that occurs after the last occurrence of some other value.


Return value

substringAfterLast( /name, ' ' )


substringAfterLast( /name, 'o' )


substringAfterLast( /name, '' )

John Doe

substringAfterLast( /name, 'xyz' )

John Doe


Returns the portion of a String value that occurs before the first occurrence of some other value.


Return value

substringBefore( /name, ' ' )


substringBefore( /name, 'o' )


substringBefore( /name, '' )

John Doe

substringBefore( /name, 'xyz' )

John Doe


Returns the portion of a String value that occurs before the last occurrence of some other value.


Return value

substringBeforeLast( /name, ' ' )


substringBeforeLast( /name, 'o' )

John D

substringBeforeLast( /name, '' )

John Doe

substringBeforeLast( /name, 'xyz' )

John Doe


Replaces all occurrences of a String with another String.


Return value

replace( /name, 'o', 'x' )

Jxhn Dxe

replace( /name, 'o', 'xyz' )

Jxyzhn Dxyze

replace( /name, 'xyz', 'zyx' )

John Doe

replace( /name, 'Doe', /workAddress/city )

John New York


Evaluates a Regular Expression against the contents of a String value and replaces any match with another value. This function requires 3 arguments: the String to run the regular expression against, the regular expression to run, and the replacement value. The replacement value may optionally use back-references, such as $1 and ${named_group}


Return value

replaceRegex( /name, 'o', 'x' )

Jxhn Dxe

replaceRegex( /name, 'o', 'xyz' )

Jxyzhn Dxyze

replaceRegex( /name, 'xyz', 'zyx' )

John Doe

replaceRegex( /name, '\s+.*', /workAddress/city )

John New York

replaceRegex(/name, '([JD])', '$1x')

Jxohn Dxoe

replaceRegex(/name, '(?<hello>[JD])', '${hello}x')

Jxohn Dxoe


Concatenates all the arguments together.


Return value

concat( /name, ' lives in ', /homeAddress/city )

John Doe lives in Jersey City


Joins together multiple values with a separator.


Return value

join(', ', /workAddress/* )

123, 5th Avenue, New York, NY, 10020


Allows evaluating a RecordPath while anchoring the root context to a child record.


Return value

anchored(/homeAddress, /city)

Jersey City

Additionally, this can be used in conjunction with arrays. For example, if we have the following record:

    "id": "1234",
    "elements": [{
        "name": "book",
        "color": "red"
    }, {
        "name": "computer",
        "color": "black"

We can evaluate hte following Record paths:


Return value

anchored(/elements, /name)

The array containing book and computer

anchored(/elements, concat(/name, ': ', /color))

The array containing book: red and computer: black


Normally, when a path is given to a particular field in a Record, what is returned is the value of that field. It can sometimes be useful, however, to obtain the name of the field instead of the value. To do this, we can use the fieldName function.


Return value


workAddress and homeAddress

//city[not(startsWith(fieldName(..), 'work'))]

Jersey City

In the above example, the first RecordPath returns two separate field names: "workAddress" and "homeAddress". The second RecordPath, in contrast, returns the value of a "city" field and uses the fieldName function as a predicate. The second RecordPath finds a "city" field whose parent does not have a name that begins with "work". This means that it will return the value of the "city" field whose parent is "homeAddress" but not the value of the "city" field whose parent is "workAddress".


Converts a String to a date. For example, given a schema such as:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "name", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "eventDate", "type" : "string"}

and a record such as:

  "name" : "My Event",
  "eventDate" : "2017-10-20T00:00:00Z"

The following record path would parse the eventDate field into a Date:

toDate( /eventDate, "yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss’Z'")

toDate( /eventDate, "yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss’Z'", "GMT+8:00")


Converts a value to a String, using the given character set if the input type is "bytes". For example, given a schema such as:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "name", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "bytes", "type" : "bytes"}

and a record such as:

  "name" : "My Event",
  "bytes" : "Hello World!"

The following record path would parse the bytes field into a String:

toString( /bytes, "UTF-8")


Converts a String to byte[], using the given character set. For example, given a schema such as:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "name", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "s", "type" : "string"}

and a record such as:

  "name" : "My Event",
  "s" : "Hello World!"

The following record path would convert the String field into a byte array using UTF-16 encoding:

toBytes( /s, "UTF-16")


Returns the first value from the given arguments that is non-null. For example, given a record such as:

  "id": null,
  "name": "John Doe"

The following record path would return "John Doe":

coalesce(/id, /name)

Given the record:

  "id": "1234",
  "name": null

The same record path would return "1234".

Given the record:

  "id": null,
  "name": null

The record path would return null.

Given the record:

  "id": "null",
  "name": "John Doe"

The record path would return the String "null". Note here the very important difference in that the id field does not have a null value but rather the value of the field is the literal string "null".

Given the record:

  "name": null

The record path would return null. Given that the id field is not present, it is treated as a null value.

Given the record:

  "id": "1234",
  "name": "John Doe"

The record path would return "1234". However, the record path coalesce(/name, /id) would return "John Doe" because both fields given are non-null, so the coalesce function returns the first value that is referenced in its arguments, not the first value that is encountered in the Record itself.


Converts a Date to a String in the given format with an optional time zone. The function defaults to the system local time zone when the second argument is not provided.

The first argument to this function must be a Date or a Number, and the second argument must be a format String that follows the Java DateTimeFormatter, and the third argument, optional, must be a format String that either an abbreviation such as "PST", a full name such as "America/Los_Angeles", or a custom ID such as "GMT-8:00"

For example, given a schema such as:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "name", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "eventDate", "type" : { "type" : "long", "logicalType" : "timestamp-millis" } }

and a record such as:

  "name" : "My Event",
  "eventDate" : 1508457600000

The following record path expressions would format the date as a String:


Return value

format( /eventDate, "yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss’Z'")


format( /eventDate, "yyyy-MM-dd")


format( /eventDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z", "GMT+8:00")

2017-10-20 08:00:00 +0800

format( /eventDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", "GMT+8:00")


In the case where the field is declared as a String, the toDate function must be called before formatting.

For example, given a schema such as:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "name", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "eventDate", "type" : "string"}

and a record such as:

  "name" : "My Event",
  "eventDate" : "2017-10-20T00:00:00Z"

The following record path expression would re-format the date String:


Return value

format( toDate(/eventDate, "yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss’Z'"), 'yyyy-MM-dd')



Removes whitespace from the start and end of a string.

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "name", "type": "string" }

and a record such as:

  "name" : "    John Smith    "

The following record path expression would remove extraneous whitespace:


Return value


John Smith


Change the entire String to upper case

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "fullName", "type": "string" }

and a record such as:

  "fullName" : "john smith"

The following record path expression change lower case letters to upper case:


Return value




Changes the entire string to lower case.

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "message", "type": "string" }

and a record such as:

  "name" : "hEllO wORLd"

The following record path expression change upper case letters to lower case:


Return value


hello world


Converts a String or byte[] using Base64 encoding, using the UTF-8 character set. For example, given a schema such as:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "name", "type": "string" }

and a record such as:

  "name" : "John"

The following record path expression would encode the String using Base64:


Return value




Decodes a Base64-encoded String or byte[]. For example, given a schema such as:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "name", "type": "string" }

and a record such as:

  "name" : "Sm9obg=="

The following record path expression would decode the String using Base64:


Return value




JSON Stringifies a Record, Array or simple field (e.g. String), using the UTF-8 character set. For example, given a schema such as:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [{
    "name": "person",
    "type": "record",
    "fields": [
      { "name": "name", "type": "string" },
      { "name": "age", "type": "int" }

and a record such as:

  "person": {
    "name" : "John",
    "age" : 30

The following record path expression would convert the record into an escaped JSON String:


Return value








Converts a stringified JSON element to a Record, Array or simple field (e.g. String), using the UTF-8 character set. Optionally convert JSON Objects parsed as Maps into Records (defaults to false).

For example, given a schema such as:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [{
    "name": "person",
    "type": "record",
    "fields": [
      { "name": "name", "type": "string" },
      { "name": "age", "type": "int" }

and a record such as:

  "json_str": "{\"person\":{\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":30}}"

The following record path expression would populate the record with unescaped JSON fields:


Return value


{"person": {"name": "John", "age": 30}}"

Given a record such as:

  "json_str": "{\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":30}"

The following record path expression would return:


Return value

unescapeJson(/json_str, 'true')

{"name": "John", "age": 30} (as a Record)

unescapeJson(/json_str, 'false')

{"name"="John", "age"=30} (as a Map)


{"name"="John", "age"=30} (as a Map)

Given a record such as:

  "json_str": "\"John\""

The following record path expression would return:


Return value



Note that the target schema must be pre-defined if the unescaped JSON is to be set in a Record’s fields - Infer Schema will not currently do this automatically.


Converts a String using a hash algorithm. For example, given a schema such as:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "name", "type": "string" }

and a record such as:

  "name" : "John"

The following record path expression would hash the String using one of these, [SHA-384, SHA-224, SHA-256, MD2, SHA, SHA-512, MD5] algorithms.


Return value

hash(/name, 'MD5')



Prepends characters to the input String until it reaches the desired length.

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "name", "type": "string" }

and a record such as:

  "name" : "john smith"

The following record path expression would prepend '@' characters to the input String:


Return value

padLeft(/name, 15, '@')

@@@@@john smith


Appends characters to the input String until it reaches the desired length.

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "name", "type": "string" }

and a record such as:

  "name" : "john smith"

The following record path expression would append '@' characters to the input String:


Return value

padRight(/name, 15, '@')

john smith@@@@@


Inserts a UUID v5 into the target field.

There are two ways to use this function: with or without a namespace. Given this schema:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "events",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "input", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "id_ns", "type": "string" }

and a record such as:

  "input" : "john smith",
  "id_ns": "02b317d3-7fec-421a-89c5-3ad0eb83c79e"

There are two options for using this function:


uuid5(/input, /id_ns)

The first option will generate a simple UUID v5 that does not use a namespace in the generation process. The second will take the value of the supplied record path and use it as the namespace.

Please note that the namespace must always be a valid UUID string. An empty string, another data type, etc. will result in an error. This is by design because the most common use case for UUID v5 is to uniquely identify records across data sets.


Returns the count of the number of elements. This is commonly used in conjunction with arrays. For example, if we have the following record:

    "id": "1234",
    "elements": [{
        "name": "book",
        "color": "red"
    }, {
        "name": "computer",
        "color": "black"

We could determine the number of elements by using the count function. Using:


Would yield a value of 2. We could also use this as a filter, such as:

/id[ count(/elements[*]) = 2 ]

Which will return the id element with a value of 1234.


Creates a map of Strings with the given parameters. For example, if we have the following record:

    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Snow"

We could use the UpdateRecord processor with

/fullName => mapOf("firstName", /firstName, "lastName", /lastName)

And that would give us something like:

    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Snow",
    "fullName": {"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Snow"}

This function requires an even number of arguments and the record paths must represent simple field values.

Filter Functions


Returns true if a String value contains the provided substring, false otherwise


Return value

/name[contains(., 'o')]

John Doe

/name[contains(., 'x')]

<returns no results>

/name[contains( ../workAddress/state, /details/preferredState )]

John Doe


Evaluates a Regular Expression against the contents of a String value and returns true if the Regular Expression exactly matches the String value, false otherwise. This function requires 2 arguments: the String to run the regular expression against, and the regular expression to run.


Return value

/name[matchesRegex(., 'John Doe')]

John Doe

/name[matchesRegex(., 'John')]

<returns no results>

/name[matchesRegex(., '.* Doe' )]

John Doe


Returns true if a String value starts with the provided substring, false otherwise


Return value

/name[startsWith(., 'J')]

John Doe

/name[startsWith(., 'x')]

<returns no results>

/name[startsWith(., 'xyz')]

<returns no results>

/name[startsWith(., '')]

John Doe


Returns true if a String value ends with the provided substring, false otherwise


Return value

/name[endsWith(., 'e')]

John Doe

/name[endsWith(., 'x')]

<returns no results>

/name[endsWith(., 'xyz')]

<returns no results>

/name[endsWith(., '')]

John Doe


Inverts the value of the function or expression that is passed into the not function.


Return value

/name[not(endsWith(., 'x'))]

John Doe

/name[not(contains(., 'x'))]

John Doe

/name[not(endsWith(., 'e'))]

<returns no results>


Returns true if the provided value is either null or is an empty string.


Return value


John Doe


John Doe


<returns no results>


<returns no results>


Returns true if the provided value is either null or is an empty string or a string that consists only of white space (spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and new-line characters).


Return value


John Doe


John Doe


John Doe


<returns no results>