Apache NiFi Team

A successful project requires many people to play many roles. Some write code, others provide project mentorship, and still others author documentation. General contributors provide valuable feedback, submitting patches and suggestions.

The team consists of Project Management Committee Members, Committers, and Contributors.

Project Management Committee Members

Project Management Committee Members are volunteers who responsible for leading the project. PMC members cast binding votes on project direction and software releases.

Apache Username Name
aboda Arpad Boda
afucs Andre FdM
aldrin Aldrin Piri
alopresto Andy LoPresto
andrewmlim Andrew M. Lim
bbende Bryan Bende
bejancsaba Csaba Bejan
briansolo1985 Ferenc Kis
busbey Sean Busbey
chriss Chris Sampson
danbress Dan Bress
devriesb Brandon Rhys DeVries
exceptionfactory David Handermann
ijokarumawak Koji Kawamura
jcarey Jason Carey
jeremydyer Jeremy Dyer
jfrazee Joey Frazee
joewitt Joe Witt
jskora Joe Skora
jwing James Wing
kdoran Kevin Doran
lordgamez Gábor Gyimesi
markap14 Mark Payne
mattyb149 Matt Burgess
mcgilman Matt Gilman
mosermw Michael W Moser
mthomsen Mike Thomsen
nsabonyi Nándor Soma Abonyi
ozhurakousky Oleg Zhurakousky
phrocker Marc Parisi
pvillard Pierre Villard
scottyaslan Scott Aslan
szaszm Marton Szasz
taftster Adam Taft
thenatog Nathan Gough
tkurc Tony Kurc
turcsanyi Peter Turcsanyi
ymdavis Yolanda Davis


Committers are the group of volunteers who are responsible for the technical aspects of the Apache NiFi Project. This group has write access to the appropriate source repositories. All committer input is valued. When technical discussions occur, committer input is treated the same as PMC member input. Committers are encouraged to vote on releases and technical discussions, but committer votes are not binding on project decisions.

Membership as a Committer is by invitation only and must be approved by consensus approval of the active Apache NiFi PMC members on a vote open for at least 72 hours. A Committer is considered inactive by their own declaration. Membership can be revoked by a unanimous vote of all the active PMC members, except the member in question if they are a PMC member.

Apache Username Name
adebreceni Adam Debreceni
aichrist Andy I.C.
amarkovics Ádám Markovics
bakaid Dániel Bakai
bqiu Ben Qiu
brosander Bryan Rosander
bsimon Simon Bence
denes Denes Arvay
dstiggy Daniel Stieglitz
edbe Ed Berezitsky
ferdei Ferenc Erdei
fgerlits Ferenc Gerlits
greyp Paul Grey
jgresock Joe Gresock
kotarot Kotaro Terada
lehelb Lehel Boér
martinzink Martin Zink
mbathori Mark Bathori
mhogue Mike Hogue
mtien Margot Tien
ottersbach Lucas Ottersbach
otto Otto Fowler
pgyori Peter Gyori
rfellows Rob Fellows
rickysaltzer Ricky Saltzer
rmoran Rob Moran
timeabarna Timea Barna
toivoadams Toivo Adams
tpalfy Tamas Palfy
zenfenan Sivaprasanna Sethuraman


Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions. The number of Contributors to the project is unbounded. Get involved today. All contributions to the project are greatly appreciated.

Emeritus Members

Emeritus members are those that served as PMC members or committers and who have since moved into inactive status. Their contributions and efforts are greatly appreciated in helping the community develop.

Apache Username Name
bimargulies Benson Margulies
jbarnabee Jennifer Barnabee
pwicks Peter Wicks
jpercivall Joe Percivall

In Memoriam

Apache Username Name
jstorck Jeff Storck