ConsumeJMS 2.0.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-jms-processors-nar
Consumes JMS Message of type BytesMessage, TextMessage, ObjectMessage, MapMessage or StreamMessage transforming its content to a FlowFile and transitioning it to 'success' relationship. JMS attributes such as headers and properties will be copied as FlowFile attributes. MapMessages will be transformed into JSONs and then into byte arrays. The other types will have their raw contents as byte array transferred into the flowfile.
consume, get, jms, message, receive
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Dynamic Properties
Required Permission Explanation
reference remote resources Client Library Location can reference resources over HTTP
Name Description
success All FlowFiles that are received from the JMS Destination are routed to this relationship
parse.failure If a message cannot be parsed using the configured Record Reader, the contents of the message will be routed to this Relationship as its own individual FlowFile.
Writes Attributes
Name Description
jms_deliveryMode The JMSDeliveryMode from the message header.
jms_expiration The JMSExpiration from the message header.
jms_priority The JMSPriority from the message header.
jms_redelivered The JMSRedelivered from the message header.
jms_timestamp The JMSTimestamp from the message header.
jms_correlationId The JMSCorrelationID from the message header.
jms_messageId The JMSMessageID from the message header.
jms_type The JMSType from the message header.
jms_replyTo The JMSReplyTo from the message header.
jms_destination The JMSDestination from the message header.
jms.messagetype The JMS message type, can be TextMessage, BytesMessage, ObjectMessage, MapMessage or StreamMessage).
other attributes Each message property is written to an attribute.
See Also