ConsumeKinesisStream 2.0.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-aws-nar
Reads data from the specified AWS Kinesis stream and outputs a FlowFile for every processed Record (raw) or a FlowFile for a batch of processed records if a Record Reader and Record Writer are configured. At-least-once delivery of all Kinesis Records within the Stream while the processor is running. AWS Kinesis Client Library can take several seconds to initialise before starting to fetch data. Uses DynamoDB for check pointing and CloudWatch (optional) for metrics. Ensure that the credentials provided have access to DynamoDB and CloudWatch (optional) along with Kinesis.
amazon, aws, consume, kinesis, stream
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Dynamic Properties
System Resource Considerations
Resource Description
CPU Kinesis Client Library is used to create a Worker thread for consumption of Kinesis Records. The Worker is initialised and started when this Processor has been triggered. It runs continually, spawning Kinesis Record Processors as required to fetch Kinesis Records. The Worker Thread (and any child Record Processor threads) are not controlled by the normal NiFi scheduler as part of the Concurrent Thread pool and are not released until this processor is stopped.
NETWORK Kinesis Client Library will continually poll for new Records, requesting up to a maximum number of Records/bytes per call. This can result in sustained network usage.
Name Description
success FlowFiles are routed to success relationship
Writes Attributes
Name Description
aws.kinesis.partition.key Partition key of the (last) Kinesis Record read from the Shard Shard ID from which the Kinesis Record was read
aws.kinesis.sequence.number The unique identifier of the (last) Kinesis Record within its Shard
aws.kinesis.approximate.arrival.timestamp Approximate arrival timestamp of the (last) Kinesis Record read from the stream
mime.type Sets the mime.type attribute to the MIME Type specified by the Record Writer (if configured)
record.count Number of records written to the FlowFiles by the Record Writer (if configured)
record.error.message This attribute provides on failure the error message encountered by the Record Reader or Record Writer (if configured)
See Also