PutS3Object 2.0.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-aws-nar
Writes the contents of a FlowFile as an S3 Object to an Amazon S3 Bucket.
AWS, Amazon, Archive, Put, S3
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Dynamic Properties
Name Description
failure If the Processor is unable to process a given FlowFile, it will be routed to this Relationship.
success FlowFiles are routed to this Relationship after they have been successfully processed.
Reads Attributes
Name Description
filename Uses the FlowFile's filename as the filename for the S3 object
Writes Attributes
Name Description
s3.url The URL that can be used to access the S3 object
s3.bucket The S3 bucket where the Object was put in S3
s3.key The S3 key within where the Object was put in S3
s3.contenttype The S3 content type of the S3 Object that put in S3
s3.version The version of the S3 Object that was put to S3
s3.exception The class name of the exception thrown during processor execution
s3.additionalDetails The S3 supplied detail from the failed operation
s3.statusCode The HTTP error code (if available) from the failed operation
s3.errorCode The S3 moniker of the failed operation
s3.errorMessage The S3 exception message from the failed operation
s3.etag The ETag of the S3 Object
s3.contentdisposition The content disposition of the S3 Object that put in S3
s3.cachecontrol The cache-control header of the S3 Object
s3.uploadId The uploadId used to upload the Object to S3
s3.expiration A human-readable form of the expiration date of the S3 object, if one is set
s3.sseAlgorithm The server side encryption algorithm of the object
s3.usermetadata A human-readable form of the User Metadata of the S3 object, if any was set
s3.encryptionStrategy The name of the encryption strategy, if any was set
See Also