ParseEvtx 2.1.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-evtx-nar
Parses the contents of a Windows Event Log file (evtx) and writes the resulting XML to the FlowFile
event, evtx, file, logs, message, windows
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Name Description
bad chunk Any bad chunks of records will be transferred to this relationship in their original binary form
success Any FlowFile that was successfully converted from evtx to XML
failure Any FlowFile that encountered an exception during conversion will be transferred to this relationship with as much parsing as possible done
original The unmodified input FlowFile will be transferred to this relationship
Reads Attributes
Name Description
filename The filename of the evtx file
Writes Attributes
Name Description
filename The output filename
mime.type The output filetype (application/xml for success and failure relationships, original value for bad chunk and original relationships)