PublishGCPubSub 2.2.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-gcp-nar
Publishes the content of the incoming flowfile to the configured Google Cloud PubSub topic. The processor supports dynamic properties. If any dynamic properties are present, they will be sent along with the message in the form of 'attributes'.
gcp, google, google-cloud, message, publish, pubsub
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Dynamic Properties
System Resource Considerations
Resource Description
MEMORY The entirety of the FlowFile's content will be read into memory to be sent as a PubSub message.
Name Description
failure FlowFiles are routed to this relationship if the Google Cloud Pub/Sub operation fails.
success FlowFiles are routed to this relationship after a successful Google Cloud Pub/Sub operation.
retry FlowFiles are routed to this relationship if the Google Cloud Pub/Sub operation fails but attempting the operation again may succeed.
Writes Attributes
Name Description
gcp.pubsub.messageId ID of the pubsub message published to the configured Google Cloud PubSub topic
gcp.pubsub.count.records Count of pubsub messages published to the configured Google Cloud PubSub topic
gcp.pubsub.topic Name of the Google Cloud PubSub topic the message was published to
See Also