PutGCSObject 2.2.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-gcp-nar
Writes the contents of a FlowFile as an object in a Google Cloud Storage.
archive, gcs, google, google cloud, put
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Dynamic Properties
Name Description
success FlowFiles are routed to this relationship after a successful Google Cloud Storage operation.
failure FlowFiles are routed to this relationship if the Google Cloud Storage operation fails.
Reads Attributes
Name Description
filename Uses the FlowFile's filename as the filename for the GCS object
mime.type Uses the FlowFile's MIME type as the content-type for the GCS object
Writes Attributes
Name Description
gcs.bucket Bucket of the object.
gcs.key Name of the object.
gcs.size Size of the object.
gcs.cache.control Data cache control of the object.
gcs.component.count The number of components which make up the object.
gcs.content.disposition The data content disposition of the object.
gcs.content.encoding The content encoding of the object.
gcs.content.language The content language of the object.
mime.type The MIME/Content-Type of the object
gcs.crc32c The CRC32C checksum of object's data, encoded in base64 in big-endian order.
gcs.create.time The creation time of the object (milliseconds)
gcs.update.time The last modification time of the object (milliseconds)
gcs.encryption.algorithm The algorithm used to encrypt the object.
gcs.encryption.sha256 The SHA256 hash of the key used to encrypt the object
gcs.etag The HTTP 1.1 Entity tag for the object.
gcs.generated.id The service-generated for the object
gcs.generation The data generation of the object.
gcs.md5 The MD5 hash of the object's data encoded in base64.
gcs.media.link The media download link to the object.
gcs.metageneration The metageneration of the object.
gcs.owner The owner (uploader) of the object.
gcs.owner.type The ACL entity type of the uploader of the object.
gcs.uri The URI of the object as a string.
See Also