PutMongoRecord 2.2.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-mongodb-nar
This processor is a record-aware processor for inserting/upserting data into MongoDB. It uses a configured record reader and schema to read an incoming record set from the body of a flowfile and then inserts/upserts batches of those records into a configured MongoDB collection. This processor does not support deletes. The number of documents to insert/upsert at a time is controlled by the "Batch Size" configuration property. This value should be set to a reasonable size to ensure that MongoDB is not overloaded with too many operations at once.
insert, mongodb, put, record, update, upsert
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Name Description
success All FlowFiles that are written to MongoDB are routed to this relationship
failure All FlowFiles that cannot be written to MongoDB are routed to this relationship
Reads Attributes
Name Description
mongodb.update.mode Configurable parameter for controlling update mode on a per-flowfile basis. Acceptable values are 'one' and 'many' and controls whether a single incoming record should update a single or multiple Mongo documents.