FetchGridFS 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-mongodb-nar
Retrieves one or more files from a GridFS bucket by file name or by a user-defined query.
fetch, gridfs, mongo
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
  • Additional Details for FetchGridFS 2.3.0



    This processor retrieves one or more files from GridFS. The query can be provided in one of three ways:

    • Query configuration parameter.
    • Built for you by configuring the filename parameter. (Note: this is just a filename, Mongo queries cannot be embedded in the field).
    • Retrieving the query from the flowfile contents.

    The processor can also be configured to either commit only once at the end of a fetch operation or after each file that is retrieved. Multiple commits is generally only necessary when retrieving a lot of data from GridFS as measured in total data size, not file count, to ensure that the disks NiFi is using are not overloaded.

Name Description
failure When there is a failure processing the flowfile, it goes to this relationship.
original The original input flowfile goes to this relationship if the query does not cause an error
success When the operation succeeds, the flowfile is sent to this relationship.
Writes Attributes
Name Description
gridfs.file.metadata The custom metadata stored with a file is attached to this property if it exists.