JoinEnrichment 2.0.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-standard-nar
Joins together Records from two different FlowFiles where one FlowFile, the 'original' contains arbitrary records and the second FlowFile, the 'enrichment' contains additional data that should be used to enrich the first. See Additional Details for more information on how to configure this processor and the different use cases that it aims to accomplish.
combine, enrichment, fork, join, merge, record, recordpath, sql, streams, wrap
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
System Resource Considerations
Resource Description
MEMORY This Processor will load into heap all FlowFiles that are on its incoming queues. While it loads the FlowFiles themselves, and not their content, the FlowFile attributes can be very memory intensive. Additionally, if the Join Strategy is set to SQL, the SQL engine may require buffering the entire contents of the enrichment FlowFile for each concurrent task. See Processor's Additional Details for more details and for steps on how to mitigate these concerns.
Name Description
original Both of the incoming FlowFiles ('original' and 'enrichment') will be routed to this Relationship. I.e., this is the 'original' version of both of these FlowFiles.
timeout If one of the incoming FlowFiles (i.e., the 'original' FlowFile or the 'enrichment' FlowFile) arrives to this Processor but the other does not arrive within the configured Timeout period, the FlowFile that did arrive is routed to this relationship.
failure If both the 'original' and 'enrichment' FlowFiles arrive at the processor but there was a failure in joining the records, both of those FlowFiles will be routed to this relationship.
joined The resultant FlowFile with Records joined together from both the original and enrichment FlowFiles will be routed to this relationship
Writes Attributes
Name Description
mime.type Sets the mime.type attribute to the MIME Type specified by the Record Writer
record.count The number of records in the FlowFile
See Also