UnpackContent 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-standard-nar
Unpacks the content of FlowFiles that have been packaged with one of several different Packaging Formats, emitting one to many FlowFiles for each input FlowFile. Supported formats are TAR, ZIP, and FlowFile Stream packages.
Unpack, archive, flowfile-stream, flowfile-stream-v3, tar, un-merge, zip
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Name Description
failure The original FlowFile is sent to this relationship when it cannot be unpacked for some reason
original The original FlowFile is sent to this relationship after it has been successfully unpacked
success Unpacked FlowFiles are sent to this relationship
Reads Attributes
Name Description
mime.type If the <Packaging Format> property is set to use mime.type attribute, this attribute is used to determine the FlowFile's MIME Type. In this case, if the attribute is set to application/tar, the TAR Packaging Format will be used. If the attribute is set to application/zip, the ZIP Packaging Format will be used. If the attribute is set to application/flowfile-v3 or application/flowfile-v2 or application/flowfile-v1, the appropriate FlowFile Packaging Format will be used. If this attribute is missing, the FlowFile will be routed to 'failure'. Otherwise, if the attribute's value is not one of those mentioned above, the FlowFile will be routed to 'success' without being unpacked. Use the File Filter property only extract files matching a specific regular expression.
Writes Attributes
Name Description
mime.type If the FlowFile is successfully unpacked, its MIME Type is no longer known, so the mime.type attribute is set to application/octet-stream.
fragment.identifier All unpacked FlowFiles produced from the same parent FlowFile will have the same randomly generated UUID added for this attribute
fragment.index A one-up number that indicates the ordering of the unpacked FlowFiles that were created from a single parent FlowFile
fragment.count The number of unpacked FlowFiles generated from the parent FlowFile
segment.original.filename The filename of the parent FlowFile. Extensions of .tar, .zip or .pkg are removed because the MergeContent processor automatically adds those extensions if it is used to rebuild the original FlowFile
file.lastModifiedTime The date and time that the unpacked file was last modified (tar and zip only).
file.creationTime The date and time that the file was created. For encrypted zip files this attribute always holds the same value as file.lastModifiedTime. For tar and unencrypted zip files if available it will be returned otherwise this will be the same value asfile.lastModifiedTime.
file.lastMetadataChange The date and time the file's metadata changed (tar only).
file.lastAccessTime The date and time the file was last accessed (tar and unencrypted zip files only)
file.owner The owner of the unpacked file (tar only)
file.group The group owner of the unpacked file (tar only)
file.size The uncompressed size of the unpacked file (tar and zip only)
file.permissions The read/write/execute permissions of the unpacked file (tar and unencrypted zip files only)
file.encryptionMethod The encryption method for entries in Zip archives
Use Cases
See Also